In what is likely a worldfirst, Aleksi Eeben has transformed the Datassette cassette drive for the Commodore 64 into a hapticenabled video game controller with his new game Aquarius. We demonstrate the smoothscrolling shooting action using the unwieldy controller, take a moment to examine the haptic system, and discuss how the game is being released for Zoo Party demo party in Finland in early November 2024. Then we take a closer look at the excellent SID soundtrack, discuss the game's physical release on tape, a special spelling mistake edition, the precracked and trained edition of the game. Finally we wrap up with a look at a few snippets of the 6510 assembly language code that allow use of the Datassette as a game controller with haptics. The game can be downloaded for free, or a limited edition physical release is available for purchase.
Previous Video about Datassette and Location $01: • Commodore 64 is Boss: Datassette Moto...
Hare Basic video: • 10x Faster Than C64 BASIC? Hare Basic
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0:00 Aquarius gameplay with cassette deck as controller
5:09 Haptic feedback via Datassette
8:11 Some other features, bonus game, Zoo Party
10:25 Music and Sound Effects Box
13:30 Tape Ad, Special "Manouver" Edition
14:45 PreCracked and Trained Edition: How To Cheat
16:46 Mini Code Review: Reading the Play Button
18:43 Handing the Haptics
22:45 Thanks, End Credits (Game Music!)