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The World's Shortest Woman VS Tallest Man!

Brent Rivera

I Spend 24 hours with the world's shortest woman and the tallest man to see what's it like to live in their shoes!

World's Smallest Woman: ‪@jyotiamgeofficialguinnessworld‬
America's Tallest Man: @
Special thanks to @eyebrowsbyprince for translation

Follow the Gang!!
Amp World ​ @AmpWorld.
Ben Azelart @BenAzelart
Lexi Rivera @AlexaRivera
Drew @DrewBeilfuss
Jeremy Hutchins: @JeremyHutchins
Andrew Davila @andrewdavila6696
Liv: @livswearingen
Dom Brack @DominicBrack
Pierson: @pierson
Sydney Smiles: @TheSydneySmiles.

hang out with me on social media:
SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera
Instagram: @BrentRivera
Twitter: @BrentRivera
Facebook: @BrentRivera
TikTok: @BrentRivera

posted by jackylcflr