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The Wilderness to Cold Harbor Grant's Overland Campaign: Animated Battle Map

American Battlefield Trust

Experience Union General Ulysses S. Grant’s campaign to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia during the summer of 1864.

Our collection of animated maps bring battles of the American Civil War to life, complete with troop movement animations, narratives, reenactment footage and more.

0:00 Grant comes East to face Lee
2:10 The Wilderness
5:09 Grant vs Lee: Learning an opponent
6:28 The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House begins
8:02 The Mule Shoe
8:58 Upton's Innovative Attack
10:00 Hancock attacks The Mule Shoe
11:35 Grant abandons Spotsylvania
12:17 Lee defends the North Anna River
13:48 Topohomy Creek and Cold Harbor
15:57 Grant moves to Petersburg
17:06 Aftermath of the Campaign

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