Buckle up for Car Stars with Steve Harvey, baby!! Enjoy the Whittern fam’s full 5episode run to a brandnew car on Family Feud.
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00:00 Introduction
Recorded on August 20, 2010.
00:52 Name something men give women to put them in a romantic mood.
04:26 Name a reason why making out in a car is not such a good idea.
08:52 Name something a bad dog does when guests come over to visit.
11:44 Name something that’s bright.
14:08 Fast Money!
Recorded on August 20, 2010.
20:35 If someone you knew saw you trying to rent an Xrated video, what would you say to them?
24:05 Name something a woman does for her baby that she also does for her hubby.
28:12 Name a reason a honeymoon would be cut short.
31:29 Name something teeth do.
34:17 Fast Money!
Recorded on August 20, 2010.
40:16 What would you do if you noticed your boss forgot to zip up his fly?
45:54 A woman might have a hot BLANK.
47:51 Tell me a saying with the word “devil” in it.
50:55 Name a word that rhymes with “song.”
53:20 Fast Money!
Recorded on August 20, 2010.
59:55 We asked 100 men. Who would you hate to run into just as you were leaving the strip club?
01:02:45 Name a farm animal a turkey might imitate to avoid being eaten at Thanksgiving.
01:05:55 Name a celebrity whose wife or girlfriend seems waaay out of his league.
01:09:56 Name something everybody knows about Cinderella.
01:13:52 Fast Money!
Recorded on August 20, 2010.
01:19:41 What do you do with the holiday fruitcake someone gives you?
01:23:18 Name something people associate with a sumo wrestler.
01:27:14 Name something specific you’d like a second one of.
01:29:53 Name a place of business where you might be asked to sit or lie down.
01:33:22 Fast Money!