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The Warp Speed Journey to Mars (18.6 Seconds) | Sci-Fi Documentary

Venture City

This is a scifi documentary, looking at how warp drive technology and warp spaceships work. As well as the negative energy needed to travel at warp speed. The faster than light journey to Mars takes 18.6 seconds, but how long does it take to reach the nearest black hole?

It is a journey showing the future science of space travel, exploration, and future space technology.

Personal inspiration in creating this video comes from: Star Trek: The Next Generation, and baby Groot Guardians of the Galaxy II.

The first volume of 'The Encyclopedia of the Future' is available on my Patreon.

Along with: Timelapse of Future Technology (Master List)

Part of my ‘The Future Archive Files' collection.

Visit my Patreon here:   / venturecity  

Other topics in the video include: matter antimatter reactions are explained (needed to power the particle accelerator onboard the spaceship), how a particle accelerator creates exotic matter and negative energy, the theory of how negative energy forms a warp bubble around a spaceship to make it travel faster than light speed, where a warp ship can travel to over a number of days and years, and the history of warp travel and the incidents that have occurred.

Created by: Jacob B
Narration by: Alexander Masters

Addition footage: James Webb Telescope, NASA, Hubble Telescope, NASA, ESA, and C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University

Book recommendations from Elon Musk on artificial intelligence, future technology and innovations, and scifi stories (affiliate links):
• Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
• Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
• The Foundation:
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:

Other videos to watch:
1. The 100 Year Journey to Proxima Centauri B (SciFi Documentary)    • The 100 Year Journey to Proxima Centa...  
3. TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY II (SciFi Documentary)    • Timelapse of Future Technology 2 (Sci...  

posted by cleansweep1118u