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The Training Of The Twelve | Luke 9:1-17 | Pastor Philip Miller

The Moody Church

The Training of the Twelve
Scripture: Luke 9:117
Speaker: Pastor Philip Miller

In the Book of Acts—which is the second part of Dr. Luke’s twovolume set of historical works—we find Jesus’ core disciples, the Apostles, turning the world upside down. They’re boldly preaching and going to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus!

But that’s not where they began. Before Jesus showed up, the twelve disciples were just ordinary people. But what we’re seeing, in these Gospel accounts, is Jesus training up His twelve disciples.

And we too have been sent out by Jesus to change our world! But every mission requires training. Today, we get to listen in on Jesus’ Masterclass as He prepares His disciples for their mission. There’s so much we can learn from The Training of the Twelve.

This is Jesus’ Masterclass where he gives three crucial lessons:
• A Lesson in Dependency
• A Lesson in Vulnerability
• A Lesson in Inadequacy

1. A Lesson in Dependency
When you step out into the unknown, I will take care of you.
When we live on mission, Christ is our provision.

2. A Lesson in Vulnerability
When you face the fires of hostility, I will be there with you.
When we live on mission, we are never alone.

3. A Lesson in Inadequacy
When you come to the end of yourself, I will be more than enough for you.
When we live on mission, Jesus is always enough.

We may not be Apostles, but we are all of us sent out by Jesus.

Mathew 28:1820 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

There’s no greater adventure in life than to be on mission with Jesus. And so, brothers and sisters, remember, you are loved, more than you know now let’s...

Takeaway: “Go and Be the Church!”

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