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The Structure of Satan's Kingdom - Derek Prince The Enemies We Face 1

Derek Prince With Subtitles

In this probing fourpart series 'The Enemies We Face', Bible teacher Derek Prince exposes the origin, structure and operation of the kingdom of darkness—and presents the keys to overcoming it victoriously.
To know these keys is vital to engage in spiritual warfare prepared and armed. As Christians, we have to deal with witchcraft, evil spirits, deception, etc.

This is the full video of part 1 of Derek Prince' series of sermons called 'The Enemies We Face': 'The Structure of Satan's Kingdom'.
Click the settings icon to activate subtitles.

Derek Prince Ministries aims to Reach the Unreached and Teach the Untaught with lifechanging Bible teaching.

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4262, recorded in Bromley, England, October 1988

posted by wenwynderuw