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The Religion Stuck in 1800

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nyello guys! today's video is about the amish! these guys are pretty wacky and whimsical. because of their beliefs, they have no electricity, cars, etc. but they make the best of their unique situation by farming and barning (there's a video of them building a whole barn in about 8 hours). they also sell some pretty nifty furniture, so yep, i'll let chat gpt do the rest frfr...

Ever wondered what life’s like without electricity, WiFi, or cars? Welcome to the world of the Amish, a community that has chosen to live as if it’s still the 1800s. In this video, we dive into Amish beliefs, lifestyle, and the reasons why they reject modern technology. From horsedrawn buggies and barnraising to their unique way of making money through small businesses, discover how the Amish balance their oldworld values with the demands of today’s society. Plus, we’ll take a look at Rumspringa, the Amish teen “wild phase,” and why most Amish youth ultimately return to their traditional roots.

Learn about Amish farming, their unique rules about technology, and how they thrive in a modern world while avoiding modern distractions. Whether you’re curious about their fascinating lifestyle or just want to know what makes them tick, this video is your complete guide to understanding the Amish.

Keywords: Amish lifestyle, Amish beliefs, Amish technology, Amish community, Rumspringa explained, Amish farming, Amish small business, living without electricity, Amish vs. modern society, traditional Amish life, Amish religion.

thanks gpt! anyways, here's the timestamps


0:00 Intro
0:42 Who Are the Amish?
1:46 Rumspringa
2:54 The Amish Lifestyle
4:00 No Electricity
4:55 How Do They Make Money?
5:50 Why No Technology?
6:48 Living Two Realities
7:40 A Complicated World

posted by Fultyepitly0e