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The Origin | Full Movie

Sam and Colby

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In Sam and Colby's haunted docu series "The Origin" the two explore their hometown Kansas and try to find the source of all their paranormal encounters. They stay overnight at a haunted crybaby bridge and an abandoned warehouse with Jake Webber and Corey Scherer..

Watch the Series:
PART 1:    • GHOST HUNTING at Haunted Crybaby Bridge  
PART 2:    • We Lost A Friend.  
PART 3:    • The Place Where It All Began...  
PART 4:    • A Horrifying Encounter At ABANDONED W...  
Finale:    • The Scary Ritual That Changed EVERYTHING  

Channel Membership:    / @samandcolby  

Jake:    / jakewebber9  
Corey:    / itscoreyscherer  

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Make sure to Subscribe!
   / @samandcolby  

Check out our personal channels!
COLBY:    / colbybrock  
SAM:    / samgolbach  

Scary Music (CO AG):   / coagmusic146339785905623  
Music Used: http://link.epidemicsound.com/
Sound Effects: sounds provided by MrSnooze    • FREE Transition Sound Effects! I Whoo...  
family friendly pg clean

Our other social media!
Instagram: @SamandColby
Twitter: @SamandColby
Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock

posted by dreameryuna0v