In the early hours of March 18, 1943, Jack Mathis took his position as lead bombardier on a critical mission over Vegesack, Germany. Tasked with leading the rest of the squadron, Jack's role was vital to the mission's success.
As a bombardier, Jack was not only in charge of leading the bombing location of the entire formation but was also tasked with guarding with his life a topsecret asset in the American arsenal: the Norden bombsight.
As his B17 Flying Fortress neared the heavily fortified target, it was met with a relentless barrage of antiaircraft fire. The explosions abruptly shattered the bombardier's nose of the aircraft, and Jack was severely wounded, his right arm shattered and his body torn by shrapnel.
Despite the excruciating pain and the chaos around him, Jack knew the success of the mission and the lives of his squadron depended on precision. He had also promised his brother Mark, a bombardier like him, that they would spend the weekend together upon his return.
He sought to accomplish that promise and fulfill his duty. He was the lead bombardier: the mission was doomed if he failed to pinpoint the target's location accurately. He faltered, but duty called him for one last sacrifice.
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