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The Mexican wolf of Mount Cristo Rey

Rick LoBello

One of the biggest surprises during the past 26 years since Mexican wolves were first restored in 1998 to their rightful place in the Southwest US and Mexico, happened on the US Mexico border in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. On January 2124, 2017 Mexican biologists tracked a lone male Mexican wolf wearing a radio collar that passed near the city of Juarez, Chihuahua, Las Cruces, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas along the slopes of Mount Cristo Rey. This video includes views of the area plus historic 8mm footage of Don Diego, a 5 ½ month old Mexican wolf pup that Roy McBride, an experienced wolf trapper, captured in October 1977 in the mountains of Durango, Mexico. You can read Don Diego's story on the El Paso Zoo and Botanical Gardens blog at

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