Today on Weird history Food, a stringout of our various videos featuring the past of McDonald's!
00:00 Rise and fall of the Arch delux
10:31:15 Sad History of the McDonalds Happy Meal
24:06:22 The Delicious History Of McDonald's McRib
36:38:03 The Savory History Of The McMuffin
49:41:21 The Special Sauce Behind the Big Mac's Success
1:01:14:03 Why Coke at McDonald's Tastes Different
1:12:37:23 The Rise and Fall of the Dollar Menu
1:24:50:11 Discontinued McDonalds Items That We Want Back
1:37:50:12 The Surprising Reason Why McDonalds Sells Fish
01:46:17:11 Every McDonald’s Menu Item Since 1955
01:58:22:21 Tastiest Things You Didn't Know About McDonalds
#mcdonalds #compilation #weirdhistoryfood