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The Ferrari Market Broke | Which Models to Buy and Which to Avoid

Fourwheel Trader - Car depreciation analysis

Long gone are the days when every midengine Ferrari was increasing in value. The market broke into several pieces. This key to know for value conscious Ferrari buyers.

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The mid engine Ferrari market can be divided into three depreciation categories. If you are a value conscious buyer, you should think carefully about the category you are shopping in.

The first category contains the cars that have been depreciating at a stable rate (488, F8, SF90) If you buy any of them, you should expect at least a depreciation equal to the historical values. There are no or even few indications that things will change soon in these markets.

In the second one contains the models for which prices have been stable or even increasing (458, F355). If you buy one of these, you maximize your chances of losing as little as possible.

In the third and final category we find the models with an uncertain trend (360, F430). There has been a trend breach in these markets so if you are in the market for these cars, you need to take into account that there is a significant probability that the future depreciation rate will not look like the one we saw historically.

Disclaimer: The Content is for educational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained in this video constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, or endorsement to buy or sell any cars. The information published has been obtained from or is based on sources which are believed to be accurate and complete. Although reasonable care has been taken, the completeness and the accuracy of any information published cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions may be wrong and may change at any time. You should always carry out your own independent verification of facts and data before making any purchase decision.

posted by Serranoss