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The Evolution of Insect Flight

Moth Light Media

The evolution of powered flight is one of the rarest adaptations made in nature only being possessed by four groups of animals, the birds, bats, pterosaurs and earliest of all the insects. Because the insects evolved so early and because they are the only animals to evolve powered flight that aren't vertebrates the path they took to get airborne is very different. This video seeks to explain what is known about the evolution of the insect wing and how they made the transition.

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If I have used artwork that belongs to you but have neglected to credit it this will just be because I was unable to find one. If this has happened please contact me and I will add a credit. Some Art work has been altered for the purposes of bettering them for video format; these alterations were done independent from the artists who created the original work, so they are not responsible for any inaccuracies that could have occurred with the changes being made.


posted by Cobellismx