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The Dump Truck song + Ambulance song u0026 Fire Truck song for kids. Cartoons u0026 Nursery rhymes with Leo!

Leo the Truck

Come watch new cartoons for kids and dance with nursery rhymes with Leo the Truck and his friends! Let's sing along to the Dump Truck song for kids, the Ambulance song for kids, and the Fire Truck song for kids with us!

00:00 The Dump Truck song for kids
02:27 The Ambulance song for kids
05:35 The Cement Mixer song for kids
08:05 The Fire Truck song for kids
10:49 The Bulldozer song for kids
13:22 The Excavator song for kids
16:06 The Tow Truck song for kids
18:52 The Animals' Train song for kids
22:42 The Leo's song for kids

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Sing with Leo!
Funny kids' songs with Leo

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posted by Gavcamigu