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The Complete Transformers Timeline...So Far

Stan Lee Presents

The Complete Transformers Timeline...So Far

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The Transformers Film Franchise has been… well, it’s just been. Beginning in 2007, it’s spanned across 8 different films and has been built upon it’s own popularity with each succeeding movie. In it’s first liveaction adaptation, it proved that yes, an old cartoon designed to sell toys COULD be turned into a cinematic blockbuster designed to sell toys. That being said, as we entered the era after Dark of the Moon, the timeline became… complicated, with continuity errors and plotholes opening up everywhere. And I’m not talking small ones, I’m talking rather large ones. With this many plotholes, one wonders how the timeline even works anymore. Well, as a Transformers Enthusiast myself, I’ve wracked my brain about it, and have come up with my own theory. The Transformers film franchise has more than one timeline. At least until they clarify that it doesn’t. So for now, let’s assume that there’s two timelines and work up from there. Buckle up, true believers, I’m going to explain ALL of Transformers Lore to you… TWICE! And add it all with a nice little time stamp too!

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Producer: ‪@EthanSchulteis‬ (‪@TheAmagiYT‬)
Narrator: @Keegan Hughes
Writer: @Noah Barkley
Editor: @Imubi5
Music: ‪@epidemicsound‬​

posted by yngletidea