This episode of Unlikely Animal Friends features heartwarming stories of unbreakable bonds formed between two animals of a different species, or an animal and a human friend. Including a twolegged chihuahua who befriends a silkie chicken, an adventurous mountaineer and his rockclimbing cat, and a goat who refuses to leave his beloved donkey's side, these stories profile the most unique, most surprising, and most loving animal friendships.
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About Unlikely Animal Friends:
Four hours of frolicking, friendly fun with unlikely duos – including a dog who swims for hours with his dolphin pal, a man who gives up eating poultry after befriending a goose, a house cat who has play dates with a barn owl, and a baboon who fosters a bush baby. These friends show us the emotional power of animals to bond with other species. They'll warm your heart and put a smile on your face.
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National Geographic Wild is a place for all things animals and for animallovers alike. Take a journey through the animal kingdom with us and discover things you never knew before, or rediscover your favorite animals!
The Chihuahua and the Chicken (Full Episode) | Unlikely Animal Friends
• The Chihuahua and the Chicken (Full E...
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