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The Bossiest Squirrel chasing Blue Jays | TV for Cats and Dogs | Nature Entertainment

On Sunset Cove

Cats and dogs will love watching Pet TV. Perfect for nature lovers too! In this episode, a bossy squirrel is mad at the blue jays for stealing the peanuts.

Give your cat, dog, or any pet the joy of the outdoors as they watch and hear several species of birds along the lake. The sounds of birds with the lake in the background is soothing for anyone with anxiety and is great background music (BGM) for your pets while you go to work. Enjoy nature's song for relaxing or enjoying with your pet.

A variety of nuts, seeds, fruit, and meal worms are provided for the birds. Visitors such as deer and squirrels also come by for a nibble. All wildlife big or small are welcome.

In this Episode you will see:
Blue Jays
American Red Squirrel

You will hear many more birds and waterfowl in the background, such as, the loons, ravens, crows, mallards, gulls, geese, cranes, chickadees, woodpeckers, robins, flickers, and so many more.

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All video and audio recorded at Sunset Cove.

Do not copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the content. All videos and audio are copyright.

#cattv #videosforcats #squirrel

posted by dravidico8l