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The Biggest Problem With American Suburbs: They Can't Grow


California has famously dysfunctional housing politics. It's no secret that housing across the state is extremely expensive. One of the biggest causes comes down to supply and demanda lot of people want to live there, but there are many exclusionary cities and towns which make it next to impossible to build more housing.

When people argue against denser housing, they often say things like "We already have too much traffic! We're short on water! Our schools will become overcrowded!" In other words, they argue that their town, which they themselves were perfectly able to move into, is now "full".

But at the same time, California needs to growand that's what this video is ultimately about.

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Quick Notes/Corrections:
1. Wicker Park is a neighborhood, not a city.
2. As of 5/21/2023, there were actually 4 one bedroom apartments in Venice, CA that someone earning less than 100k could qualify for.
3. Changed the title from "There's no Such Thing as a Suburb That's Full" on May 27th, 2023.

posted by papkomte