The Best Ways To Find Netherite / Ancient Debris In Minecraft 1.21!
Today we're gonna do something different! I'll show you the easiest way to mine ancient debris in minecraft! This simple way will give you a lot of netherite. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Welcome to this NETHERITE MINING GUIDE in Minecraft! In this stepbystep tutorial, you'll discover the best techniques to find ancient debris quickly and efficiently. Whether you're playing in Minecraft 1.21 or any other version, this guide is designed to help you gather a lot of ancient debris in survival mode. Let's dive in and uncover the secrets to successful netherite mining!
Thumbnail inspiration: @Zyle
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tags: fastest way to get netherite in minecraft,how to find netherite,minecraft netherite,minecraft,how to find ancient debris minecraft,how to get netherite,how to find ancient debris in minecraft,how to find netherite minecraft,how to find ancient debris,how to get netherite ingot in minecraft,netherite,how to get netherite in minecraft,how to find netherite in minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.21 netherite,minecraft netherite guide,how to find diamonds in minecraft