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The BEST and Smallest Cichlids for Your 20 Gallon!

The Small Scape

Well hello there!
There are actually quite a number of small cichlids you can keep in the humble 20 gallon aquarium, I'm sharing my favorite 10!
Yup this is a response video to Mr Primetime's video from a few days ago! Here are my picks and why I chose them :)

Some VIDEOS You might like:
Prime Time Aquatics Top 10 Cichlids Ever:
   • Top 10 Cichlids of All Time!  

Bolivian Ram Care and Breeding:
   • Bolivian Ram Care and Breeding  

Rams vs Apistos:
   • Ram Cichlids vs Apistogramma CIchlids...  

Julidochromis Care and Breeding:
   • The Ultimate African Cichlid RockDwe...  

Enjoy perusing the best shrimp, nano fish and aquatic plants at our sponsor:
The finest aquarium products including dechlorinator, nontoxic glass cleaner and Fritzyme7! https//

   / @primetimeaquatics  

As always, thank you for stopping by!
Joanna :)

#20gallon #cichlids #nanotank

posted by saamgehegkx