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That $75 Amazon Mixer.. // Maker Hart Loop Mixer Review

Ricky Tinez

Faders on a mixer that's really good for the price! 5channel micro mixer for performing live.

Maker Hart Mixer https://amzn.to/2WkaDz0
Power Squid https://amzn.to/2K4jL9d
Cable I use for Synths https://amzn.to/2MAQJzW

Synth Merch    • 5 Whys To Buy a ZOIA // The best FX P...  

// Let's Connect
Instagram   / ricky_tinez  
My Music (Most is free!) https://rickytinez.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud   / rickytinez  
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/43aZ5...

// Everything I Film With
My Camera https://amzn.to/2BpU3WD
My Lens https://amzn.to/2BoSDM9
My Mic https://amzn.to/2WPiRQO

// Gear Used
Favorite Headphones http://amzn.to/2Byszww
Recorder http://amzn.to/2AeJpCq
Cables http://amzn.to/2D3h189

//If i was stuck on an island i'd take this..

[email protected]

#Dawless #SmallMixer

posted by fornlegh6