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SWFL Eagles ~ Rock 'Em Sock 'Em E's! Two Rounds Of Rumbling! 😊 1.25.21

Lady Hawk

M flies in with a stick and Harriet will get up and the E's are ready to rumble! They go at it with one another for a few minutes Harriet is up to give one a bite as M flies in with some grasses. Then back to rumbling! Harriet finally breaks up the sibling rivalry by covering them and brooding! Whew!

Later, M is on the chicks and he gets up and the E's are ready for round two and here they go! He tries to give them a few bites of food in between the bonks...then he also will do the next best thing just cover them up! lol

This is all a normal part of the eaglets developing their pecking order in the nest. I think they are just getting started though so get ready to fasten your seat belts! lol Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.

Link to cam: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/

posted by clubremby