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SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Reporting For Egg Duty On A Foggy Thanksgiving Morning! Closeups Of F23 ♥ 11.28.24

Lady Hawk

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

It was a foggy morning at the nest as M15 flew in to the attic. F23 had been incubating the eggs overnight & was ready for her break. M15 drops to the nest and she flies to the church snag to do some preening. M15 reports for his egg duty and begins incubating.

We have some pretty closeups of F23 on the snag preening herself while her feathers were wet with dew! After two hours of preening, she will fly back to the attic and we have some gorgeous closeup of her! Her white head feathers look extra fluffy and beautiful! All that preening paid off.

Now it is M15's turn for a break so he flies to the outer branch and then the church snag while F23 will take over incubation duties. M15 gets harassed by birds he flies off and grabs a stick on the fly and returns with it to the nest. F23 gets up for a break and M15 returns to his egg duty! It was a peaceful and quiet Thanksgiving Day at the nest for our lovebirds! They continue to loving care for their eggs with the anticipation of their hatching next month. Thank you for watching!

To see the highlights below, please click on the timestamps to advance to that portion of the video.

00:00 F23 on nest, M15 arrives to attic & nest for egg duty
02:40 Cam 2 of changeover
04:40 F23 flies to church side snag to preen very foggy
06:44 M15 on nest sun is burning off fog
07:20 F23 on snag preening in sun she is wet with dew
08:53 360 cam rainbow on the eggs ♥
09:55 M15 gets up to roll the eggs cam 2
11:35 Funny faces of M15 watching something above
12:44 F23 flies to attic
13:30 Closeups of F23 beautiful
17:01 M15 flies to outer branch F23 drops to nest to incubate
18:12 M15 now on church snag getting harassed by birds
18:45 Cam 2 showing M15 leaving & F23 returning to nest
20:14 M15 grabs a stick on the fly & brings to nest Pond cam
20:54 Cam 2 M15 with his stick delivery F23 flies off & M15 incubates

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.

Cam 1:

Cam 2:

SWFEC main webpage:

posted by clubremby