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SWFL Eagles ~ M15 Brings In A Live Fish! F23 Claims u0026 Takes Her Lunch To Office Oak To Eat! 12.5.24

Lady Hawk

The video opens with M15 flying into the nest with a good sized live fish! F23 is squeaking as she goes to claim her food gift. She is careful around the eggs not to step on them she takes the fish to the side of the nest & accidentally drops it. She reaches down to secure the fish with her beak and flies off over the pond to the office oak to eat it. M15 takes over incubating the eggs while she is gone.

After eating her meal, F23 flies to the DSPS to do some feaking of her beak (cleaning it) and it looks like she has a nice crop! F23 will then fly to the pond for some sips before flying back to the nest tree landing in the basement (which is an area just below the nest). F23 will fly out, circle around and land on the nest to take over incubation duties. M15 flies to the veranda and outer branch. M15 will fly to the upper branches and then fly off to roost for the night. Sweet dreams M15 & F23 and future E24 & E25 ♥ Thank you for watching!

To see the highlights below, please click on the timestamps to advance to that portion of the video.

00:00 M15 flies to nest with a live whole fish
00:32 360 cam M15's fish delivery & F23 claiming it & flying to office oak
03:20 M15 to eggs to incubate
03:45 Cam 2 of fish delivery
04:28 F23 drops the fish & picks it back up & takes to office oak to eat
05:08 M15 to eggs
05:48 F23 flying over the pond with fish in her beak to office oak
06:20 F23 finished eating goes to DSPS to feak her beak
07:38 Nice crop on F23
09:08 F23 to pond to get sips
10:40 F23 flies to basement (just below the nest)
12:38 F23 flies to nest M15 to veranda and outer branch
13:40 M15 to upper branches and then flying off for night to roost

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Thank you SWFEC , hosted by Dick Pritchett Real Estate, for allowing us the opportunity to view these amazing eagles.

Cam 1:

Cam 2:

SWFEC main webpage:

posted by clubremby