My Season 13 Playlist on my channel includes ground videos from my summer visits to the nest pasture. There are also four ground videos from early summer (after the cams went off for Season 12), in my Season 12 Playlist. Here are the playlist links, if interested:
Season 13:    • SWFL Eagles Season 13 Â
Season 12:    • SWFEC Season 12 2023/2024 Â
Video opens with M15 starting the day's work when he arrives with a stick. F23 arrives shortly after with nest material. It was a busy day in the pasture, after the eagles did not work in the pasture the day before. There were a total of nine stick deliveries, and one nest material delivery. M15 brought seven sticks; F23 brought two sticks plus nest material. M15 and F23 perched on the attic when done working, and left heading W, then NW (not shown). Video closes with views of the nest. More details in the time stamps below, if interested. Click on any time stamp to advance to that part.
Time stamps: Provided in DVR time; actual time is on the cam clock.
00:00. Opening.
00:06. M15 w/stick #1.
00:20. Cam2 view of M15 w/stick.
00:39. M15 watches as F23 flies in w/nest material.
01:00. Cam2 view of F23 w/nest material.
01:38. M15 w/Nest Test.
01:54. Cam2 view of M15 w/Nest Test.
02:31. Both on the attic; M15/right.
02:47. F23 moves to the inner branch.
03:02. Different angle; F23 closest to my camera.
03:32. M15 preens; F23 allopreens M15.
04:50. M15 heads out for another stick.
05:27. Cam2 view of M15 w/stick #2.
05:54. M15 heads out for another stick; searches on the ground for one.
06:28. M15 makes his selection.
07:27. Cam2 view of M15 w/stick #3.
08:03. F23 leaves the nest tree, slomo; misses a grab on the fly, leaves view.
08:21. F23 returns w/stick #1.
08:43. Cam2 view of F23 w/stick #1.
09:49. M15 heads out for another stick, flies through the pond oak, out of view.
10:13. M15 w/stick #4.
10:24. Cam2 view of M15 w/stick #4.
10:57. M15 heads out for another stick; lands in the W pasture.
11:25. M15 heads back wi/stick#5.
12:22. M15 heads to the ground by the front pines to get another stick.
12:47. M15 has made his selection; heads to the nest at 13:06.
13:52. Cam2 view of M15 w/stick #6.
14:12. F23 arrives w/stick #2.
14:29. Cam2 view of F23 w/stick #2, which goes overboard.
15:05. M15 heads out for another stick, misses a snap, lands under the pond oak.
15:48. M15 does the Eagle Hustle across the grass, makes his selection, heads to the nest.
16:18. M15 heads to the nest w/stick #7.
18:14. M15 joins F23 on the attic.
18:50. M15 has a rouse coming.
19:19. F23, crop drop.
20:09. Vocals from both.
20:34. Nest views.
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam YouTube Channel:    / @southwestfloridaeaglecam Â
Official Facebook page for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam:   / southwestfloridaeaglecam Â
(This is a public page. You do not need a FB account to view the page.)
Website for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam:
Updates and links are posted by the SWFEC Team in the chat box.
Cam video captured & edited by Androcat. Ground video by Androcat.