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Stubborn Husky Does Everything She Can To Avoid Bathtime!! [FUNNIEST REACTION EVER!!]


Sooooo hello everyone! It’s that time again haha! If you didn’t see our last video millie got VERY dirty lol! We took all 3 huskies on a massive few hour walk and Millie always finds a way to walk the dirtiest way lol! It’s like she knows bath time is coming anyway so she feels why not make the list of it! It’s so funny how she actually knows what bath time is and how she does everything she can to avoid it haha! So strange how they love jumping in muddy puddles and dirty lakes but hate a nice clean bath lol! For anyone wondering the water is not to hot I have two children and know to have it almost cold as I know how dramatic and sensitive dogs and kids can be so don’t worry lol! Hope this made you all laugh. Thanks for watching. Love you all!

posted by instinctual07do