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Have science reason and humanism replaced faith?

Premier Unbelievable?

Nick Spencer vs Steven Pinker. For the full video, further episodes, updates & bonus content sign up

Harvard atheist Steven Pinker debates the future of humanity with Nick Spencer of Christian thinktank Theos. Get Nick's book here and

This is the second episode of The Big Conversation, a unique video series from Unbelievable? featuring worldclass thinkers across the Christian and atheist community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human.

The Big Conversation series:

Jordan Peterson & Susan Blackmore    • Jordan Peterson vs Susan Blackmore • ...  

Steven Pinker & Nick Spencer    • Have science, reason and humanism rep...  

Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles    • Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles • Ca...  

John Lennox & Michael Ruse    • Michael Ruse vs John Lennox • Science...  

Daniel Dennett & Keith Ward    • Daniel Dennett vs Keith Ward • Are we...  

Peter Singer & Andy Bannister    • Do we need God to be good?  

The Big Conversation is produced by Premier in partnership with the Templeton Religion Trust
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posted by ski122789