A scrap piece of sheet metal is used to form a "chinaman's hat" to attach to the bird feeder pole to keep squirrels from climbing to the feeders. The only tools you really need is a hammer and tin snips, a piece of wire and a felt marker. Then a couple screws to attach it the pole or post. Squirrels cannot get past it at all.
Its just a quick and simple solution just about anyone can make in no time at all. It has sure solved my squirrel problem since it has been installed.
This really isn't a 'how to' video...its more of an idea video designed to get someone to maybe think of how to improve it for themselves....if they have the same blasted squirrel problem I had. I greased the pole with lard and sat in the bedroom window laughing at those silly but innovative way they overcame that obstacle. The first squirrel offered himself as the sacrificial lamb and tried and tried over and over until his belly and legs were literally covered in lard, then skulked off to lick his baconsmelling backside. The second squirrel shimmied up the pole like a stripper on a Saturday night !! (Not that I know what that looks like...but I've heard stories....). Just sayin'....
For all the PETA people out there, let me assure you that no animals were hurt during the filming of this video, except for the pig that bit the dust last year to donate his fat for the lard. Well then again, I think squirrel #1 had his precious feelings hurt walking back to the nest explaining to the missus why he smelled like the neighbors pig. And we humans think lipstick on the collar throws up a flag ....!!! I should have gotten a video of the fur that came flying out of that knot hole...
Seriously though, this is a good solution for those aggravating and destructive tree rats!
But mostly the video is just for fun on a beautiful Sunday morning.... Enjoy.