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Sponsor a cat today! The Kitties Need You! ☝️

DW’s Wildcat Refuge

We have a lot of cats and a lot of vet bills piling up on top of our regular people bills. We have to deal with to fix a mail cat for us through our vet and our multi animal discount cost $105. Excuse me for a female. A male cost 80 and the vaccinations are all $15 give or take depending on what one. We have 15 cats so you can imagine that adds up fast.any help is greatly appreciated. Sponsor a cat a cat today

Nyx, Boo Boo, Luna, Moose, Raven, Sprout, Sage, Tiger, Diva, Bear, Pebbles, Fox, Corn Pop, Winky, Sweet Pea, Bigfoot, and Mama

posted by drefnasid8p