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Source of Life - Brazil's Mightiest River | Free Documentary Nature

Free Documentary - Nature

Source of Life Brazil's Mightiest River | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Uncharted The Beautiful World of the Amazon here:    • Uncharted  The Beautiful World of th...  

Brazil has a river that is bigger than the Amazon. Yet until recently it was unknown, and even now it remains invisible. Where is this remarkable river? It is a river in the sky! And it is essential for all life in Brazil for it provides water to the grasslands and the farmers’ fields, and fills the reservoirs that provide water for more than half the inhabitants of this vibrant country. The RiverintheSky is critical for giant anteaters on the plains of the Cerrado, for jaguars in the swamps of the Pantanal, and for monkeys and macaws in the tropical rainforests.

The RiverintheSky brings life to the great natural landscapes of Brazil. All of this depends on the breath of the living Amazon rainforest.


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