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Souls of nature - Susanne Herzog

Filming wildlife is more than just picking up a camera and filming. Observing the animals from a position of stillness and tranquillity allows you to calm down and learn a lot about animal behaviour and nature. In the case of the great crested grebes, we discovered them by chance when they were building their nest and we couldn't take our eyes off them. For months, we spent our free time sitting in the mud and reeds and walking around a beautiful Austrian lake to observe the animals. And we got to know wonderful, loving, caring creatures and accompanied them from afar as they reared their young. With this film, which has become a matter close to our hearts, we want to convey the wonderful nature of the great crested grebe, take you away for a while into the silence and tranquillity of nature and create an awareness of this wonderful life.

#greatcrestedgrebe #naturefilm #lumixgh6 #omsystem #wildlifephotography #meditation

posted by bibliomik7h