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Someone Broke Into Our New House! Matt and Rebecca

Matt Slays

Rebecca Zamolo created a Last to Leave HAUNTED HOUSE Wins Challenge! Matt and Rebecca then uploaded a Last to Leave Coffin Wins Challenge with a Surprising Secret Reveal! The Game Master network posted Hot Vs Cold Pool challenge to find imposter among us. Now that the RHS has visited our house and we scared them away but we need to spy on Mr X to make sure the message is delivered. Rebecca stay at home and plan out what to do to trap Mr X here if he does come. Matt and Robbie Rob must get dressed as Disney Princess to have a secret date with their evil enemy. When Matt returns with not his best friend they find out that someone has broken into their house. It was all a trick to see if they could make him believe they are the Addams family in real life. Do you think this will work or will it turn into a battle royale in real life? All we know is that the Addams family has stolen our house. Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020!

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Follow Matt:
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posted by inaderent4j