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So You Want To Own a Wolfdog?

The Dro

Since so many of you have been asking what it’s like to own a wolf dog and how you can get one...

I know there are a lot of articles and videos out there telling you all about wolf dog ownership. Some are from professionals that actually know what they are talking about, and most are… well.. from people who assume they know what it’s like. There’s a HUGE difference between the two. I wanted to take the time to talk to you guys about this because many people have seen my exotic pet videos on my youtube channel and have a ton of questions I’m hoping to answer here. Please feel free to share this video with any of your friends who may want a wolfdog as a pet!

#LunaTheWolfdog #PetWolfdog #TheDro

Living with a Wolfdog the negatives (Full Livestream):    • Living with a Wolfdog | The Negatives  

“What does the fox say!?” Here’s my Answer to that!:
   • Early Morning Madness with a Fennec Fox  

Learn more about the Sounds that Fennec Foxes Make:
   • What do Fennec Foxes Sound Like?  

Learn more about owning a Fennec Fox as a Pet:
   • Do You Want To Own A Fennec Fox?  

The next top question is How can you own your very own Luna The Wolfdog?

The quick answer is that some of you can, and some of you can’t.
However, the real question should be is this exotic pet the right pet for me?

Here is a list of questions you should ask yourself before even thinking about adopting a Wolfdog as a pet:

Why do you want a wolfdog as a pet?
What do you know about owning a wolfdog as a pet?
What kind of experience do you have with a pet like this?
Do you have any kids?
What kind of Containment can you provide?
Where do you live? Have you checked the laws?
What type of pet are you looking for?
Do you have a full time job and career?
Is there a vet near you that’s qualified to care for this type of animal?

There are many more subjects I will touch upon in my upcoming videos. If you guys have any questions at all please leave them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer all of them! :)

Watch a newer video where I answer your comments about owning wolfdogs and foxes on this video:
   • Answering you about my Wolfdog & Fenn...  

posted by Remseom