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Ducky Lady


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Well I think I might've caught Shadow gaining the advantage on another race to the nest last week. Just as the fog rolled in and caught Jackie's attention, Shadow flew off, "See you at the nest, Dear!" Jackie does a double take and then follows Shadow seconds later, joining him for some evening nestkeeping.

I always wonder what goes through their minds when they fly in seconds of each other. Lately, Jackie probably thinks about checking on her new pinecone but I wonder if they ever try to beat each other to the nest first. Do they have friendly competition like they do in my head?? Or is it just a coincidence and pure instinct and bond that drives them to be so in sync?? I like to think it's both! It's just more fun that way.

Shadow heads out first while Jackie was finishing tidying up but she got distracted by the bugs crawling around the nest. That, or she was contemplating that much needed predicure for her huge, sharp talons. Check out those feets!!

Since they eat with their strong talons and rip their meals into smaller bites with their sharp beaks, they tend to get and look a little dirty. A great sign that they're eating well. Sometimes they have extra down feathers from preening and nesting materials stuck to their sticky feet and faces. Just like our beautiful Jackie in this clip. You gotta love her! I think our Queen needs a spa day at the lake soon!

Thank you Friends of Big Bear Valley for the opportunity to watch and learn about my favorite Bald Eagles.

Visit the Official site for Jackie & Shadow at

Video captured, edited and captioned by D. Persinger

posted by butniejhq