This is the third of eight sheep in this condition. The breed is Navajo Churro and their ideal shearing schedule is every 6 month. Because of life’s chaos, this herd was sitting at about 14 months of growth. Now that they have found our services, these sheep will be shorn on a proper schedule. This was a very emotional experience for all those involved. The owners were very helpful and concerned over the wellbeing of their flock. They attempted to shear a few before we arrived, but as you can see, that is a mountain of a task.
This is likely one of this most difficult shears of my career. The inflexibility of the mats was exhausting and the heat is absolutely brutal at this point. I was extremely thankful for the experience I gained with the prior two.
0:00 Intro
0:55 Shearing Begins
9:21 Finished Product
9:27 Weight