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Selkirk Rex Cat Breed || Color || Food || Size || Health

Cute Animal

Selkirk Rex Cat Breed || Selkirk Rex Cat Breed 101 || Color || Facts || #cute USA Cat Breed Vidoes

Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is a breed of cat with highly curled hair.


10 15 years



6 15 pounds

Selkirk Rex Traits

Lap Cat


Ease Of Training

Grooming Requirements


Good With Children

Good With Dogs

Selkirk Rex History

This newcomer to the feline pedigree began July 4, 1988 when a Persian cat breeder named Jeri Newman of Montana bred a curly haired kitten from a nearby shelter with one of her black Persians. The litter of six yielding a trio sporting curly hair.

A breeding program was created that initially included Persians, British Shorthairs, Persians and Exotics until the unique Selkirk Rex look developed.

The Cat Fanciers Association accepted the Selkirk Rex in 2000.

Selkirk Rex Behavior Concerns

Super mellow and laidback, the Selkirk Rex prefers laps to running laps.

People enjoy this breed's quiet nature, gentleness and sweet affection.

One of the best traits of this breed is its patience with people and other pets. It is playful but not hyperactive.

This breed is best suited for stalking toys on the floor rather than leaping and swatting at wand toys.

Save room on your bed because this breed expects to share some Zzzz's with you.

Look of Selkirk Rexs

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