In the beginning, long before human existence, the Earth created a wonder: The Amazon Rainforest. Also known as the lungs of the Earth, the Amazon Forest and Amazon River serve as the lifeblood of many animals and tribes. The jungle is revered and worshipped by many as a deity. In this nature documentary, we will explore the Amazon Rainforest, the dense jungle, the wildlife, and it's geology. This free documentary will also dive into secrets of the Amazon Rainforest and it's effects on the entire Earth's global weather patterns.
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0:00 Amazon Rainforest / Amazon Jungle / Amazon River
1:34 How The Amazon Rainforest Formed
4:38 The Lungs of the Earth
5:40 A Typical Day in the Amazon Jungle (AM to PM)
8:20 Shaping the World's Weather
9:45 Wildlife of the Amazon Rainforest
12:55 The Amazon River
14:35 Huaorani Tribe of the Amazon Rainforest
17:07 Life in the Amazon
20:22 Today's Amazon
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