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Sealing RV Roof with Eternabond Tape

Two Tired Teachers

Sealing RV Roof with Eternabond Tape

Sharon, one of the Two Tired Teachers, is going to put Eternabond on our RV roof. Her first tip is to overestimate what she will need. She started with a 50' roll of 4" and a 50' roll of 2". She used all of the 4" and most of the 2."

Before you start to seal the roof with Eternabond, you will need to clean the roof. Sharon used a bit of Dawn dishwashing detergent and a medium bristle brush to get the roof clean.

Three tools she used were a roller, a screen roller, and a box cutter or Xacto knife. In an effort to thoroughly clean the areas where she would be taping, Sharon used alcohol wipes.

Sharon covered the endcaps on the back of the RV simply because she wanted to be certain the Eternabond Tape held. She is doing this job because when she inspected the roof last year, she noticed that the dicor sealant needed to be patched. This year she saw that the dicor was really cracked. She wanted to repair it before it became a major problem.

On some of the videos Sharon watched, the men making this exact same repair said it took around 3 hours. As a woman, Sharon simply doesn't have the upper body strength or hand grip of a man. Sharon worked between 9 and 10 ours to tape our 21' 11" Micro Minnie.

Putting the Eternabond Tape on is keeping the RV well sealed. The cracks would eventually lead to leaks on the roof.

posted by Fragebuchbh