The Following video is a continuation of my series on Classical German philosophy and PostKantian thought. The Title of today's episode is: Rudolf Bultmann on Theology, Philosophy, & Demythologizing the Bible with Dr. David Congdon.
In this episode of the Young Idealist Series we go back in time to a 20th century Germany in order to understand the philosophy and theology of the German Lutheran theologian Rudolf Bultmann (18841976). Bultmann was a professor of the New Testament at Marburg University, and a key figure in 20th century biblical studies.
For this special episode on Rudolf Bultmann I invited Dr. David Congdon who is an Instructor at McCormick Theological Seminary and is an author, speaker, and scholar working in the areas of theology and culture.
Dr. Congdon is the Senior Editor at the University Press of Kansas, where he oversees the publishing program in political science, law, US history, Native American and Indigenous studies, environmental studies, American studies, and religion.
His latest books are Varieties of Christian Universalism: Exploring Four Views, published in November 2023 from Baker Academic, and Who Is a True Christian? Contesting Religious Identity in American Culture, published in April 2024 by Cambridge University Press.
As well as, the author of The Mission of Demythologizing: Rudolf Bultmann’s Dialectical Theology, and Rudolf Bultmann: A Companion to His Theology, and The God Who Saves: A Dogmatic Sketch.
Dr. Congdon helps navigate the viewers through the life, philosophy and theology of Rudolf Bultmann.
Books on Rudolf Bultmann by Dr. David Congdon:
Rudolf Bultmann: A Companion to His Theology, Wipf & Stock (Nov. 4 2015).
Mission Of Demythologizing FORTRESS PRESS; 1st edition (June 1 2015).
Enjoy the Episode!