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Room EQ Wizard (REW) Tutorial - What's going on in my room? Measuring speakers.

Marcel Schechter

What are the room influences at my listening position? How can I use REW to understand what's going on? How can I use EQs to compensate for room influences? I'm a sound engineer and working as a product specialist for GENELEC from Finland.

00:00 Introduction
02:10 Preferences
05:23 Measuring and frequency response
08:20 Waterfall diagram
10:09 Compensating room influences by using filters
15:12 Comparing different measurings
16:10 Some general information

German version:
   • Room EQ Wizard (REW) Tutorial German ...  

Here you can download REW:

Genelec SAM technology:

Short workshop on studio monitors and room acoustics:

Part 1:
   • Acoustic Workshop  Part 1  Loudspea...  

Part 2:
   • Acoustic Workshop  Part 2  Loudspea...  

Part 3:
   • Acoustic Workshop  Part 3  Loudspea...  

#roomeqwizard #studiomonitors #measuringspeakers

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