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Rodney Dangerfield Delivers Big Laughs on the Tonight Show (1977)

Rodney Dangerfield

Rodney Dangerfield was one of the Tonight Show’s most frequent guests, appearing on the show more than 70 times. For each appearance he spent up to three months working up new material. On August 30, 1977 Rodney kicked things off with a few minutes of standup in front of the rainbow curtain, and then onto the couch for a laughfilled interview with Johnny.

1:05 “My doctor, he don't help either. He told me to run five miles a day for two weeks. I called him up, I said ‘Doc, I'm 70 miles from my house!’”
2:37 “I'll tell ya, I never had any luck with animals either, you know? When I was a kid in my sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.”
4:03 “Right now I'm looking forward to a very exciting new venture. It's not definite yet, she just moved to my building.”
6:53 “I met a sexy girl a few weeks ago, worked in a restaurant making hamburgers. She told me she could make a Big Boy in three minutes and a boy big in two minutes.”

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