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Ripping Apart Our Basket Case C3 Project Corvette (The Body is Finally Off!)

The Horsepower Monster

I didn't want to do it. I tried to find ways not to do it. But when we got right down to it, the only option was to pull the body off the Corvette so I can make repairs to both the chassis and the floorboards. It was a heck of a pain, but also a lot of fun along the way.

If you missed it, you can see part one of The Horsepower Monster's Corvette build project here:    • I Bought a Corvette Basket Case! (Big...  

A few of the tools I used in this video:
(Please note The Horsepower Monster may receive compensation for purchases made through these links. So thanks for your support!)

Zip Corvette Body Lift Straps:
Milwaukee M18 MidTorque Impact:
Milwaukee M12 Die Grinder:
Milwaukee M12 Stubby Impact:
Mid America C3 Floor Pans:

posted by sakflutoq9