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RIP Lea Mićo's mother 💔

Mico Kitty

Rest in peace Mićo's mom, Lea.
Dear Meow Friends, I sadly inform you that Mićo's mom and my parents' beloved cat, Lea, had to be euthanized. She had kidney failure that was most probably genetic. They were fighting a hard battle for her precious life, but there was no hope. She was getting worse and worse. Luckily, she was not in pain. One of her kidneys was completely atrophied (probably from birth) and her other kidney failed completely. Her creatinine levels were 10 times higher than range levels. Thankfully a very good and well equipped vet clinic opened in our city and she had the best diagnostics and health care possible. My parents are in shock because it all happened so suddenly and they are in deep grief.
Thank you for being here with us!

posted by ActiotaSackrc