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Rescue kitten Ange blood test results.


Ange, a kitten, underwent blood tests for feline leukemia virus infection and feline AIDS.

Approximate birthday is April 17, 2024

[保護初日]    • 2024 4 30 助けて悪天候で避難してきた母猫が赤ちゃん猫を産んだ。...  
[保護2日]    • 保護子猫2日目 ご機嫌でグルーミングしようとしてくれた日【瀬戸のアンジュ日記】  

[保護初日]    • ゴミ箱の中に放置され寄り添っていた子猫が保護され、保育室に入室した【瀬戸の...  
[保護初日]    • 独りぼっちで泣いていた赤ちゃん猫。保護され猫部屋へやってきた【瀬戸の茶白日記】  
[保護初日]    • 保護された子猫が猫部屋へやってきた日【瀬戸のここ日記】The Day a ...  

Miaou has been a registered Class II animal handling business since 2019 and operates a dedicated cat shelter.

We are deeply grateful for any support you can offer, no matter how small. Every contribution greatly empowers our mission, and we sincerely look forward to your warm support.

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We truly appreciate any support you can provide as it helps us continue our care for cats in need. Thank you for considering supporting Miaou.

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[kitten room]
アンジュ Ange (サバトラ silver tabby Male ♂ ; Around 17 April 2024.)

[Free room]
みけ Mike (三毛猫 calico, female ♀; May, 2014 )
アリス Alice (スコティッシュ・フォールド Scottish fold mele ♂ April,2019 )
ベル Bel  (白猫 white, 雌 feMale ♀ August ,2023)
ミエル Miel (茶白 red tabby and white, Male ♂ ; Around late March,2023)

[Cats room]
くろ Kuro (黒猫 black, male ♂; October, 2014 )
しぴ Chipie (グレートラ light gray tabby, female ♀; April, 2015 )
みみ Mimi (グレートラ gray tabby, female ♀; April, 2015 )
まや Maya (茶白 red tabby and white, Male ♂; April,2016)
める Mer (アビシニアン ルディ Abyssinian Ruddy, male ♂ ;January 16, 2017)
らな Lana (サビ猫 tortoiseshell cat, female ♀; July, 2017 )
ここ Coco キジトラ Brown Mackerel Tabby, male ♂; May, 2021
りる Rire グレートラ light gray tabby, female ♀; March, 2022 )
ねる Nel グレートラ light gray tabby, female ♀; March, 2022 )
ルーシー Lucy (グレートラ light gray tabby, female ♀; June, 2022 )
アイラ Aila (グレートラ gray tabby,    female ♀; June, 2022 )

posted by bankomatib2