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Renewable vs Non-Renewable Resources - Educational Video for Kids

Steve Trash

COS GRADES 3 (14 minutes) This is an EARLY VERSION of STEVE TRASH SCIENCE. We wrote, shot, edited it to show PROOF OF CONCEPT. This means, you have to "make it" before people can truly understand what you're GONNA MAKE. We learned a lot from shooting this episode. Frankly... we got better the more we worked on it. As we got closer to the PBS TV version of the show (check you local listings for times), we changed quite a few things, but I think this episode stands up. Remember... this is kindalike a FIRST DRAFT... so keep that in mind when watching. What's the difference between a renewable and nonrenewable resource? In the latest episode of STEVE TRASH SCIENCE... we break it down for you in FUN and FUNNY ways! What makes a resource renewable? Is the SUN renewable? What makes a resource nonrenewable? How fast can Steve disappear into an ikkyfakevideoswamp? In this short 13 minute long video we answer all these burning questions of science. STEAM and STEM correlated, this video is fun and funny. Primarily focused on grades 15, this video was created to supplement "in classroom" resource learning.

Steve Trash Science is a nationally broadcast PBS kids science show produced by Steve Trash, in partnership with, Alabama Public Television.

More info...

By the way, the entire series is viewable on the PBS site, and all topics are COS COURSE OF STUDY curriculumbased for kids GRADES 18.

Here's the link.

For course of study correlation please check out this link (correlation is at the bottom of the page).

All music and sound effects are either original or licensed through Storyblocks. Images are original or licensed through istockphoto.

Steve also has a series of short (oneminutelong) character education videos for kids as well.

Here’s the link.

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posted by eolde