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Red Tail Nestlings

AIWC Wildlife

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These two RedTailed Hawk nestlings were rescued from the Springbank Airport . Their nest was located on the communications tower and was destroyed because it was interfering with signal transmission. In this video, the nestlings are about 2 weeks old. They are tweezerfed chopped up whole mice, about 1 mouse per nestling. They are fed four to five times per day. The smaller hawk regurgitates a pellet halfway through the video. Hawks slowly digest the softer parts of their meal (meat), and then regurgitate the harder, indigestible materials (bones, fur) in the form of a pellet, just like owls. However, it is important to feed whole food including bones, since the bones provide a necessary source of calcium to the growing nestlings. These babies will stay at the rehab center until late summer. Thanks for watching! Visit

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