Zane, Matt and I look at the most cringe worthy photos from our dark days!!
Snapchat / heathhussar
Twitter / heathhussar
Instagram / heathhussar
Business email: [email protected]
Friends in my videos:
Zane Hijazi Twitter/Instagram; @Zane Snapchat; @ZaneHijazi
Scott Sire Twitter/Snapchat; @imnotscottysire Instagram; @VanillaDingDong
David Dobrik Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat; @Daviddobrik
Todd Smith Twitter/Instagram; @todderic_ Snapchat; @toddysmithy
Kameron Kennedy Instagram; @kamkennedy Snapchat; @ki11akam
Erin Gilfoy Twitter/Instagram; @eringilfoy Snapchat; @erin_gilfoy
Carly Incontro Twitter/Instagram; @carlyincontro Snapchat; @poopflinger
Meghan McCarthy Twitter/Instagram; @MeghanWMcCarthy Snapchat; @MWMM
Jay Boice Twitter; @JayABoice Instagram; @JayBoice Snapchat; @Jaythecat