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Rare Red-footed Falcons (Falco vespertinus) 2024 Season: From Early Days 🐣 To Fledging🐥'Nest2 Part2

Nature Lover Birdlife Odyssey

Courtesy of ‪@madarles‬
I invite you to watch the second part of the story of Redfooted Falcons (Falco vespertinus) from the nest 2 in Hungary 'Season 2024: From Early Days To Fledging' ❤
You'll see loving and experienced parents taking care of 3 falcon chicks (called eyas). The male is banded (ringed) and thus we know that he is 8 years old.
If you missed the first part with 3 eyas hatching, here is the link:    • Redfooted Falcons Nest2: Loving, Exp...  
In this second part, you'll see adventures of 3 eyas and their parents from the early days until the moment of fledging. There are different nest visitors and some thieves stealing food from the eyas. There are a lot of precious and funny moments, too. You'll be able to see different kinds of prey delivered by both caring parents and plenty of food tussles. At the end, you'll see how one eyas fludges and two others fledge.
There is also a nice slideshow, so it is worth watching until the very end!
Season 2024
Copyright @ Madarles Live Bird Cams
   / madarles

This is the link to the playlist containing all my videos with these falcons:    • Redfooted Falcons (Falco vespertinus)  

Remember to subscribe to my channel ‪@BirdlifeOdyssey‬ in order to stay updated and not to miss any episodes.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible experience, and I can't wait to see you in the comments section!
The video was made by ‪@BirdlifeOdyssey‬
All rights reserved

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posted by mivozconvosy5