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Raising Littermates and Same-Gender Dogs - My Experiences

Big Horn Mountain Alpacas

I've had the pleasure of raising two groups of wonderful livestock guardian dog littermates over the last 17plus years. And of course, many were the same gender. Since littermate syndrome and having samesex dogs has been a hot topic and the most askedabout subject when I'm asked questions about my pack, I thought I'd put my thoughts together and share them here on this video. Being a proud mom of these Akbash, Great Pyrenees, and Akbash/Great Pyrenees Mix Dogs that I call "The Guardians", I couldn't resist throwing in individual stories and qualities about each dog and some activities that I like to do with each guardian. I hope this video will be informative and enjoyable to watch.


Farm store:

Dog hair (Chiengora) scarves:

posted by faandel2g